How to apply for funding
The trust can make research grants, of typically up to £30,000 per year, although applications for larger grants will be considered. These will be paid to supporting universities or research institutes to help fund research to support bee science. Grants are primarily for British bee related research projects and broader bee science, although work in European universities or laboratories could also be funded. The areas of bee science currently viewed by the Trustees as research priorities for funding, are set out in a document below. Travel grants of up to £1,000 may also be made to enable UK based researchers to present their work at national and international meetings.
The research grant application form, advice to applicants and the conditions attached to a grant are available as Word files, as are the application form and report / claim form for travel grants. All the files are available for download below. Applications involving field work must allow 6 months from the submission deadline to the start of the proposed fieldwork.
The Trustees meet twice a year, in the spring and in the autumn. Grants for consideration at the spring meeting must be submitted by 1st March, and for the autumn meeting by 1st September. The application forms should be completed for all applications and sent to the Honorary Secretary, preferably by email; contact details are in Contact Us . The Trustees require periodic reports on the progress of funded projects (guidance below) and the wide, timely dissemination of results. We support open access publishing and any costs associated with paying for publication can form part of a grant application.